Some people are not born with perfectly sized noses. Enlarged noses cause attention of people on them and not on any other part of the face. People that have such large noses try to hide their nose while being photographed or they try to avoid being a part of a photo saying that they don’t possess a photogenic face. The size of nose is a cause of humiliation for them.
Cosmetic surgeons perform reduction rhinoplasty to reduce the size of nose of the patient. This surgery can reduce the size of nose completely or can concentrate on specific areas that need to be smaller such as the tip of nose, nostrils, a hump or a bump on bridges and so on. Surgeons remove the cartilage or bone to achieve the desired size of nose.
Surgeons can take closed incisions inside the nostrils that would not be visible after surgery. In some cases they need to take incisions on outside or visible area of nose as well. Surgeons take a small incision between the nostrils that is almost invisible after surgery. These incisions allow the surgeon to remove excessive bone and cartilage from specific areas of nose to get the desired shape of tip and other parts of nose.
The skin on the nose is not trimmed down during the surgery as it takes the desired profile adjusting it to the changed shape of nose by shrinking naturally. Thus patients can get a reshaped nose that would be in proper proportion to other facial parts.
Similarly, if someone has a nose that is too small compared to other facial parts, cosmetic surgeons perform augmentation rhinoplasty to enlarge the size of nose bringing it to the proper proportion with other facial parts.
These surgeries can also be designed to tackle breathing problems by reshaping the nasal structure and correcting natural airway for breathing as well apart from reshaping of nose.
For more details visit: https://www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com/
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